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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

We ship all of our packages through USPS. Once your order has been processed, our shipping speed is 3-6 business days. Keep in mind it takes 2-4 business days to process orders. 


As a small business, shipping gets costly.  We will charge a $10 shipping fee on all orders in order to get your little piece of Colombia safely home with you. 




Return & Exchange Policy

Our return policy is for store credit only as we're confident we'll find the right suit, mochilas, or jewelry for you. ​


In order for us to approve your return, it must meet the following conditions: Item(s) must be returned within 30 days

Item(s) must me unworn and undamaged. Washing or altering the item(s) in anyway is considered demaging it. When fitting your suit, we suggest you were of other pieces of clothing to avoid stains and damages. 

Item(s) must be returned in original condition, complete with its sanitary strip, bag, and scrunchy. 

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